Wednesday, January 21, 2009


my president is black!....cue JEEZY!
i wish i could have been there.....obama is the peoples president!..i got chills watching just like on election night when they said he was in the lead ...i was like ..ITS REALLY HAPPENING!!
*image by TIME magazine

#2 VEGASSSSSS @ night

viva las SIN CITY!
image a: the strip whoooo partyyyy!
image b: new yorkkkk new yorkkkk!
image c: THE MGM GRAND my home for a few days...i was living a lil
...yoooo so all the FREAKS were in town for like the porn awards..ha ha lol..i didn get a chance to get any photos though lol


so i figured my 1st image should be me....bo0m!

hello america!..and abroad!

it's me!

so yeah finally i've started this blog/photo journal  yay go me....  after saying i need to start a blog/photo-urnal: photo journal...yeah get in im here lets see what happens...